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sunday gatherings

Our Sunday Gatherings are the highpoint of our fellowship together each week.


Sunday Morning    |     9:00am  

Sunday Evening     |     4:00pm

Youth + kIDS MinistRIES

Port Youth               |   Port Kembla   |    Friday 6:00-8:00pm


Kid's Church           |   Port Kembla    |    Sunday 4:00pm


Kids Club                |   Port Kembla    |    Term 3, 2024

Port Kembla Anglican Kids Ministry
Sun 4th Sep-7.jpg

Growth Groups are spaces to share a meal and consider the implications of God's word for our lives. Let us know if you would like to join a group in the 'Contact Us' section below.


Warrawong Church    |       Tuesday 9:30am


Port Church                |       Tuesday 5:00pm

                                   |       Thursday 5:45pm

Learning English classes

Would you like to practice English in a relaxed and engaging way? This group meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11am at Warrawong Anglican Church. Contact us for more information.

Image by Tim Mossholder

At Port and Warrawong Churches we believe that Christianity is very good news. We want to help people discover the life and hope we've found in Jesus.


You are invited to join us for free and informative discussion-based courses. No prior knowledge needed. Everyone welcome. No question off limits. We look forward to meeting you. 


PorT +



Port Kembla Anglican

111 Military Road

Port Kembla, 2505


Warrawong Anglican

282 Cowper Street
Warrawong, 2502

Phone: 4274 6953



Account Name: Port Kembla Anglican Parish Council


BSB: 032-694

ACC: 114040



Thank you for your generosity!

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